Call for Papers - SAHANZ: Post-War/Cold-War in the Region
to Nov 20

Call for Papers - SAHANZ: Post-War/Cold-War in the Region

Post-War/Cold-War in the Region

Fabrications: The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand invites papers for a special issue (Vol. 31, No. 2) on Post-war / Cold-War in the Region edited by Mirjana Lozanovska and Cameron Logan. 

World War II transformed the process of production at a global scale and, as a consequence, the period of economic prosperity that followed is often considered a ‘Golden Age’. But the booming postwar decades, frequently referred to in France as the Trente Glorieuses, also occurred in the shadow of the Cold War. Following the defeat of Hitler and Nazi Germany by Stalin’s Red Army in 1945, the world was caught in the grip of a political confrontation between the USA and the USSR, one which dominated the international environment for more than forty years (1948-1990). While the Cold War meant the end of WWII in Europe, wars erupted in the Asia-Pacific region, most obviously in Vietnam and Korea, but also in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Cambodia to name just a few.

The Cold War drew ideological lines. Architectural historian, Juliana Maxim argues the USSR and USA presented competing architectural modernities. Maxim’s work, along with that of Greg Castillo and a handful of others, focuses on a political dialectic, and thus confronts consistent depoliticization in the architectural historiography of modernism, a process left mostly undisturbed by the recent emphasis on difference and plurality. Łukasz Stanek examines the export of architecture and planning from socialist countries to the ‘Third World’ and conceptualises this as Cold War transfer. What of this post-war/Cold War political ideology did émigré architects departing Europe, transport to Australia and New Zealand?

This ideological divide mobilised modernisation and development aid programmes. Educational initiatives from the period such as the Colombo Plan (1951) focused on education and cultural exchange, and were deeply conditioned by Cold War political arrangements as much as by longstanding colonial ties. Even more explicit in its cold war implications for the region was Australia and New Zealand’s strategic pivot to the United States and its formalisation in the ANZUS Treaty (1951). The security alliance was the foundation for a much more visible US footprint in Australasia, expressed in architectural terms not only through embassies but also military bases and other security installations such as the one at Pine Gap near Alice Springs. The US presence in the wider region was also  dramatically expanded in the period, with facilities established or expanded up and down the western rim of the Pacific.

This issue of Fabrications seeks to explore the post-war period not as mid-century architectural aesthetics and urbanisation, or through its hero architects, but through the lens of architecture’s participation in the ideological and political divide of the Cold War. We seek papers on a broad range of issues that highlight the political and ideological aspect of architectural history in this period with a focus on Australia and New Zealand and the Asia Pacific region. We encourage contributions that include the following:  the ideological/political position of Australia and New Zealand during the Cold War and it impact on architectural discourse and practice; new networks that emerged in Australia and New Zealand in architecture and the visual arts due to Cold War orientations; the involvement of Australian and New Zealand architects in projects linked to Cold War political agendas in the Asia-Pacific; architectural education and the Colombo Plan or equivalent organisations; émigré architects and the effects of anti-communist political narratives in Australia and New Zealand and their alignment with the USA; the architecture and politics of post war refugee camps, military bases, embassies in Australia and New Zealand.


  1. Papers should be submitted online by the due dates identified above.

  2. The Editors consider essays of 7000 to 9000 words (including foot notes). Papers should be submitted as Word documents. Authors should use the footnote function of Word, but no automatic footing programs such as Endnote. Papers should be submitted with an abstract (200 words) at the beginning of the paper and a brief author biography (80 words), images and image captions. Abstracts are published at the beginning of papers. All papers published in Fabrications are blind peer-refereed by two readers.

  3. Papers must conform with the Instructions for Authors.

  4. For the refereeing process, please submit low-resolution images of illustrations as separate files {or embedded in a separate pdf file with captions} (72dpi jpeg files). Once a paper is accepted for publication, high-resolution images should be submitted as 300 dpi tiff files, at a minimum of 100mm wide with a separate list of captions indicating permissions.

  5. Authors are responsible for securing all permissions and paying all fees to reproduce images in Fabrications. Authors must meet the publisher’s requirements.



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Call for Abstracts - IASTE 2020 CFA: Virtual Traditions
to Oct 18

Call for Abstracts - IASTE 2020 CFA: Virtual Traditions

  • Nottingham Trent University (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Session Host: Nottingham Trent University

“Virtual Traditions” is the theme of the seventeenth conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments (IASTE) to be held in Nottingham, United Kingdom from September 3-6, 2020. This conference will explore how the mutual influences between the virtual and the traditional reconfigure new structures of communities, societies, and cities — extending and connecting built spaces. In an era defined by social media and online interaction, new agents manipulate traditions, values, myths, borders, and even the legitimacy of the built environment in virtual space. Scientific innovation, data-mining, algorithms, and spatial and digital modeling have thus led to new methods of interpretation and mechanisms of decision-making that force a reconsideration of the link between buildings and people, culture and its consumers. The organizers of IASTE 2020 Nottingham invite participants to revisit the notions, concepts, and practices of tradition at a time when virtual and mobile interaction increasingly dictate the terms of everyday life, at home, at work, and in the public sphere. Three tracks will foster this discourse: Theorizing the Virtual and the Traditional in the Built Environment; The Socio-Spatial Traditions of Everyday Life in Changing Landscapes; and Tradition, Space, and Professional Practice in the Built Environment at Times of Transition.  

IASTE is an independent, academically-centered non-profit association that was founded in 1988. The association’s activities have included the publication of a semi-annual journal, Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review, and an ongoing Working Paper Series. Our biennial conferences have been held at locations as varied as Oxford, Tunis, and Bangkok on themes concerned with sustainability, development and the built environment, and issues of culture and identity. Our conferences typically include nearly 400 participants representing a wide range of academic disciplines such as architecture, architectural history, art history, anthropology, archaeology, folklore, geography, history, landscape architecture, planning, political science, and urban studies.


  1. Scholars from relevant disciplines are invited to submit a 500-word abstract and short biography



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Call for Papers - 2020 SAH Annual International Conference
1:00 AM01:00

Call for Papers - 2020 SAH Annual International Conference

  • Seattle United states of America (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Session Co-Chairs: Vikramaditya Prakash, University of Washington, and Maristella Casciato, Getty Research Institute 

Ever since the postcolonial critiques of the 1980s and the 1990s, received narratives of architectural modernism—as a Eurocentric construct that was regionalized or not and fragmented in its various non-metropolitan locales—have been revised and re-theorized under what can be referred to as global modernism. Global modernism, in this sense, is not just the question of including ‘non-Western’ examples in established canons of modernism, but of rethinking the very mechanics of the origins, dissemination, and iteration of modernist ideas and forms in both metropolitan and non-metropolitan locations. This work requires a revisiting of both the canons of modernism as also a decolonization of that canon in postcolonial and post-humanist ways. This panel invites papers that are both theoretical and case-study-based which contribute to a postcolonial construction of global modernism that are not simply national, regional, or local, and which instead foster a broader global historiography of modernism.  


  1. Abstracts must be under 300 words.

  2. The title cannot exceed 65 characters, including spaces and punctuation.

  3. Abstracts and titles must follow the Chicago Manual of Style.

  4. Only one abstract per conference by author or co-author may be submitted. 

  5. A maximum of two (2) authors per abstract will be accepted. 



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Call for Papers - HKU Graduate Students Conference
to Jun 1

Call for Papers - HKU Graduate Students Conference

  • University of Hong Kong (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Graduate student organisers: Ting Wang, Diego Javier Caro, Chun Wai Charles Lai, Sben Korsh
Faculty advisers: Cecilia Chu, Eunice Seng
Confirmed keynote speakers: Jiat Hwee Chang, Kelly Shannon & Giovanna Borasi

While modernity has been widely perceived as a universal phenomenon that encompasses different localities in Asia, the forms of cities and urban landscapes have been shaped and reshaped by specific histories, shifting geopolitics, and growing collective concerns over ecology and sustainability. By analysing the transfer of knowledge in the built environment disciplines, this conference aims to interrogate the role agents and institutions play in the built landscapes of Asia and beyond. Graduate students from relevant disciplines are invited to submit abstracts. The focus of investigation may include architecture, landscape, urbanism, real estate, infrastructure, construction or engineering.

The papers will follow two tracks:

Diffusion and History of Modern Architecture and Construction
This track investigates processes of transfer and diffusion of modern architecture and construction. Subjects of inquiry may include material usage, technologies, and professional practices and expertise. Papers should consider how these processes implicate the forms of built environments at specific localities in Asia and beyond. We are especially interested in papers that examine the less iconic, unofficial, everyday spaces or sites, and that transcend old perspectives. This track aims at bringing attention to issues of post-colonial architectural and construction histories and expand our knowledge of transnational and transcolonial networks in history.

Mobilities of Capital and Power in Post-Cold War Asia: Landscape, Infrastructure, Urban Form
Over the past decades, accelerating processes of capitalist globalisation and foreign capital investments have had growing influence on the production of infrastructure and built landscapes in Asia. Projects funded by overseas capital have been seen as mediators of local and global interests as well as sites of knowledge exchange and political negotiation. This track invites papers that analyse the contestations and conflicts in the production of these built environments. This may include enquiries on specific projects that challenge the status quo of international relations and the ways they impact everyday life of individuals and communities at home and abroad. We are especially interested in papers that decipher the geopolitics of these projects, how they are shaped by the mobility and expansion of capital, and how these dynamics materialise in landscape, infrastructure and urban form.


Please email a 300 word abstract and 100 word bio to by Thursday 28 February, 2019 at 5pm Hong Kong Time. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed and ranked. Accepted papers will be organised into panels and will be delivered in 20-minutes, followed by comments from a discussant and attendees. Papers will be considered for inclusion in a potential edited volume.



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Call for Papers - The 7th Asian Australian Identities Biennial Conference
6:00 AM06:00

Call for Papers - The 7th Asian Australian Identities Biennial Conference


Conference Convenors: Dr Mridula Nath Chakraborty, Faculty of Arts, Monash University & Professor Anoma Pieris, Faculty of Architecture Building and Planning, University of Melbourne

Conference Organising Committee: Dr Sukhmani Khorana (University of Wollongong), Dr Nadia Rhook (University of Western Australia), Dr Tim Steains (University of Sydney), Dr Monika Winarnita (La Trobe University), Dr Denise Woods (Curtin University), & Jan Molloy (Immigration Museum)

It has been at least half a decade since Stuart Hall and Paul Gilroy traced the shift from the older racist order based on “nature” and biology” to “national” and/or “ethnic” culture. This shift has not resulted in any disruption of the old paradigms of racism, but rather spawned a hydra-headed creature, of new colonialisms and new global capitalist regimes, that replicate themselves constantly in order to mobilise technologies of governance in contemporary societies. As Pooja Rangan and Rey Chow have argued, the move towards identity politics/coalitions and biopolitics have the potential of both negative-repressive as well as generative-creative functions. In Australia, identity-based politics now permeate every aspect of political, social and cultural life, from equity gap to environmentalism (Ghassan Hage), from arts/performance cultures to Asian-Aboriginal reconciliation (Jacqueline Lo), from racialized state violence to new media terror consciousnesses (Suvendrini Perera).

Asian Australian Studies itself traditionally employed strategic essentialisms in fashioning Asian Australian identities that resist racialising structures (Lo). However, essentialisms such as these are sometimes charged with reproducing the logics and boundaries of race – the very structures anti-racist politics attempt to undermine (e.g. Gilroy, Chow). Sometimes progressive critiques of identity are mobilised to delegitimise studies of race and ethnic identity altogether. How then do we examine and, even, mobilise Asian Australian identity in light of these critiques of ‘identity politics’? How have Asian Australian identities and identity politics changed over time, and are there new or emerging forms of these phenomena in the present day? How do eruptions of protest by far-right groups leverage these dissonances in identity-based coalitions, and what can anti-racism advocates do about it?

Themes and topics
Papers and panels are invited on the following topics related to Asian-Australian identity construction refracted through the lens of new and old racisms.

Constructing Asian Australian Identities:
• Birth of a Nation: Creating, documenting and marking Asian-Australia identities
• Genealogies of race, class and identity within Asian Australian diasporic generations
• Art, activism and aesthetics in the cultivation of Asian Australian cultures
• The management politics of multiculturalism vis-à-vis Asian Australian minorities
• Lateral inequalities and discrimination amongst Asian Australian communities
• Representation and ‘value’ in expressions of Asian Australian arts and culture
• ‘Asian Australian’ academics/public intellectuals and the creation of a distinctive public sphere
• Material and spatial/architectural practices mobilised in Asian Australian identity formation
• Archiving Asian-Australian identities

Interrogating Asian Australian Identities
• Black lives matter and who gets to be ‘black’ in Asian Australia?
• Aboriginal-Asian Australia: convergences and contradictions
• Politicising Asian Australians: Is this necessary, and why?
• New racisms in policy making and social engineering
• ‘Pure’ versus hyphenated/biracial Asian Australia
• Digital Asian Australians in the ‘real’ world?
• Crazy Rich Asians versus politically-(in)correct ones?
• Tensions between economic and political migrants and/or refugees

Contesting Identities through Asian Australia
• Polarisation, protest and Asian-centred identity politics
• Whither #metoo in Asian Australia?
• New racisms within colour blind politics
• ‘subtle asian traits’ and emerging Asian Australian identification
• Solidarities and comparisons across the settler colonies: Asian-Americans, Asian-Canadians and Asian-Australians


Please send us 250-word abstracts with title, 150-word bio/contact details and a high resolution recent photo to by Wednesday 1st May 2019. Proposed theme panels and round tables are welcome.

Acceptances will be notified via email by Friday 31st May 2019 (or thereabouts).

Please note that attendees and presenters will be required to register and pay a registration fee via the conference website. Early bird and concession fees will be available.


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Call for Papers - InterAsian Connections VI: Hanoi
9:00 AM09:00

Call for Papers - InterAsian Connections VI: Hanoi

  • Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

InterAsian Connections VI: Hanoi by the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences

Organizers: Social Science Research Council InterAsia Program, Duke University Global Asia Initiative, Göttingen University Global and Transregional Studies Platform, the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Hong Kong, Asia Research Institute at the National University of Singapore, Seoul National University Asia Center, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, and Yale University.

InterAsian Connections VI: Hanoi is pleased to announce an open call for papers from researchers in any world region who wish to participate in one of the eight thematic workshops at InterAsian Connections VI: Hanoi, the sixth in this international conference series.

The conference, to be held in Hanoi, Vietnam, and hosted by the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, will include concurrent workshops coordinated by individual directors and showcasing innovative research from across the social sciences and related disciplines. Workshops will focus on themes of particular relevance to Asia, reconceptualized as a dynamic and interconnected historical, geographical, and cultural formation stretching from West Asia through Eurasia and South Asia and Southeast Asia to East Asia.

The conference structure and schedule have been designed to enable intensive working group interactions on a specific research theme, as well as broader interactions on topics of mutual interest and concern. Accordingly, there will be public sessions open to the full group of conference participants and additional scholars as well as closed workshop sessions.


Paper submissions are invited from junior and senior scholars, whether graduate students, faculty, or researchers in NGOs or other research organizations, for the following eight workshops:

  • Beyond the New Media: Deep Time of Networks and Infrastructural Memory in Asia
    Workshop Directors: Xiao Liu (McGill University) and Shuang Shen (Pennsylvania State University)
  • China’s OBOR Initiative and Its Impacts for Asian Countries
    Workshop Directors: Anh Nguyen Dang (Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences) and Yu Zhu (Shanghai University)
  • Divine/Transcendent Rulers of Imagined Communities: The Rise and Fall of Royal Nationhood in Asia
    Workshop Directors: Wasana Wongsurawat (Chulalongkorn University) and Michael K. Connors (University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus)
  • Eurasia’s Islamic Socialist Ecumene
    Workshop Directors: Eren Tasar (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) and Mustafa Tuna (Duke University)
  • Sacred Forests and Political Ecology: Cosmological Properties and Environmentality
    Workshop Directors: Bixia Chen (University of the Ryukyus) and Christopher Coggins(Bard College at Simon’s Rock) 
  • Sport Mega-Events as Hubs for InterAsian Interactions
    Workshop Directors: Susan Brownell(University of Missouri-St. Louis) and Gwang Ok (Chungbuk National University)
  • States of Fortification: Connecting Asia through Technologies of Food and Health
    Workshop Directors: Melissa L. Caldwell(University of California, Santa Cruz) and Izumi Nakayama (The University of Hong Kong)
  • The Netware of the New Asian Economy under the Industrial Revolution 4.0
    Workshop Directors: Salvatore Babones(University of Sydney) and Vinh Duc Nguyen (Institute of Sociology, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences)

Detailed abstracts for the individual workshops, information on the application process, the required application materials, answers to frequently asked questions, and details on funding can be found on our website ; or contact

Please note that an individual cannot apply to more than one workshop.


Application materials are due by February 28, 2018. Selection decisions will be announced in April 2018. Accepted participants are required to submit a draft research paper in July 2018, and a final paper in November 2018.



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Call for Proposals - Asian Studies Association of Australia Conference 2018 - 22nd biennial conference
5:00 AM05:00

Call for Proposals - Asian Studies Association of Australia Conference 2018 - 22nd biennial conference

  • Sydney Southeast Asia Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Area studies and beyond

Co-organised by the Sydney Southeast Asia Centre, the China Studies Centre and the School of Languages and Culture

3 July 2018 - 5 July 2018

The theme for 2018, Area studies and beyond, builds upon the traditional interdisciplinary fields of research within Asian Studies and seeks to move beyond them, to celebrate the full breadth and depth of interest in Asia across all fields of research.

We strongly encourage multi-country or multi-disciplinary representation, as well as gender balance and the inclusion of a combination of junior and senior scholars, in all proposals. In addtion to a broad range of disciplinary and thematic streams, panels on professional practice are welcome.

Guidelines for Submissions:

Panel Proposals

Proposals must include:

  • The name of the panel chair
  • A panel title and a 150 word panel abstract
  • A title and 150 word abstract for each of the four papers to be presented (submitted separately)

Papers Proposals

Individual proposals should include a paper title and 150 word abstract.

If this paper is part of a panel proposal, please select ‘this paper is part of a panel’ when filling in your submission and ensure that the panel title is accurate in order for reviewers to correctly identify your panels.

Workshop Proposals

A half-day or full-day workshop may be proposed on a topic pertaining to research, pedagogy, career development, or another topic that may be relevant to conference attendees. Accepted workshops will be scheduled for 2 July 2018, the day prior to the conference. The conference organiser will povide a space for the workshop and can assist with promotion, but it will be up to the workshop proposers to organise content, materials and registration.

Participants in workshops are expected to register and participate in the conference.

Individuals submitting a proposal should be committed to attending the conference from 3-5 July, should the proposal be accepted. If paper-givers have not registered by 30 March 2018, their name will be removed from the conference program and a replacement speaker will be identified.

Submissions & more information:

Call for Proposals Deadline: 1 November 2017

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Call for workshop proposals - InterAsian Connections VI: Hanoi
9:00 AM09:00

Call for workshop proposals - InterAsian Connections VI: Hanoi

  • Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

InterAsian Connections VI: Hanoi by the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences

Organizers: Social Science Research Council InterAsia Program, Duke University Global Asia Initiative, Göttingen University Global and Transregional Studies Platform, the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Hong Kong, Asia Research Institute at the National University of Singapore, Seoul National University Asia Center, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, and Yale University.

InterAsian Connections VI: Hanoi is the sixth in a series of conferences showcasing innovative research from across the social sciences and related disciplines that explores themes that transform conventional understandings of Asia. Crossing traditional area studies boundaries and creating international and interdisciplinary networks of scholars working to theorize the intersection of the “global” and the “regional” in a variety of contexts, the conference reconceptualizes Asia as a dynamic and interconnected historical, geographical, and cultural formation stretching from West Asia through Eurasia, South Asia and Southeast Asia, to East Asia.

The 2018 Hanoi conference will be structured to enable intensive working group interactions on specific research themes as well as broader interactions/discussions on topics of shared interest and concern. Each workshop will have two directors with different institutional affiliations, preferably representing different disciplines.



Joint proposals are invited from scholars from any world region who are interested in co-organizing and codirecting a thematic workshop that addresses one of the following broadly conceived themes. All workshop directors must hold a PhD degree and have significant experience in conducting independent research, holding research workshops, and evaluating and commenting on a variety of research proposals and papers.

  1. Sites of InterAsian Interaction
  2. Territorial Sovereignties and Historical Identities
  3. Transregional Religious Networks
  4. Environmental Humanities in Asia
  5. Rethinking Conceptual Frameworks for the Rise of Asian Cities
  6. Infrastructures and Networks

We encourage creative proposals that explore innovative connections, convergences, and comparisons across InterAsia.



  • help recruit and choose ten to twelve international workshop participants (senior and junior scholars, graduate students, and other researchers) competitively from across relevant disciplines in the social sciences, humanities, and related fields;
  • provide feedback and comments to all selected participants in advance of the conference; and
  • run all workshop discussions over the course of the three-and-a-half-day event.

The conference organizers will cover all directors’ costs of participation, including economy-class airfare and accommodations. Workshop directors will each receive a $1,000 honorarium.

The full text of the request for workshop proposals, including detailed descriptions of the workshop themes, information on the application process, the application form, and eligibility guidelines, can be reviewed on the conference web page. Or contact:


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9:00 AM09:00

Call for Papers - International Journal of Islamic Architecture

International Journal of Islamic Architecture

Special Issue: Boundaries, Flows, and the Construction of Muslim Selves through Architecture
Thematic volume planned for June 2019

This special issue of the International Journal of Islamic Architecture takes as its starting point how a new sense of ‘boundary’ emerged from the post-nineteenth-century dissolution of large, heterogeneous empires into a mosaic of nation-states in the Islamic world. This new sense of ‘boundary’ has not only determined the ways in which we imagine and construct the idea of modern citizenship, but also redefines relationships between the nation, citizenship, cities and architecture. Whereas political debates today question the compatibility of Islam with the concept of the nation-state, the construction of the twentieth-century Islamic world was embroiled in debates around the nature of the modern state itself. Such debates oscillated between Islam as a political ideology and Islam as a personal belief system. These debates were often troubled by novel uses of ‘boundary’ in both physical and conceptual forms linked to the phenomenon of the nation-state. These boundaries were further challenged by flows of persons, materials, and ideas that destabilized the political configuration of the nation-state itself.

Hence, in this special issue of the International Journal of Islamic Architecture we invite papers that bring critical perspectives to our understanding of the interrelation between the accumulated flows and the evolving concepts of boundary in predominantly Muslim societies, and within the global Muslim diaspora. This special issue seeks to investigate how architecture mediates the creation and deployment of boundaries and boundedness that have been devised to define, enable, obstruct, accumulate and/or control flows able to disrupt bounded territories or identities. More generally, it proposes to explore how architecture might be considered as a means to understand the relationship between flows and boundaries.

Questions of nationhood and boundary-making critically define the modern era. This is particularly true for global Muslim communities. Nation-building efforts have gone through phases of creativity and disillusionment ranging from the Israel-Palestine question, the creation and fragmentation of Pakistan as a spatiotemporal utopia, the Islamic revolution in Iran, to the post-oil prosperity in the Gulf countries, the repercussions of 9/11, the disenchantment of the Arab Spring, and the rise of South East Asian countries as global powerhouses. The plausible image of an ideal Islamic society vis-à-vis the nation-state has shifted along with these major transformations, and an incongruity between ideals and realities has informed resulting spatial expressions as well.

This special issue seeks to explore alternative definitions of bounded identities, facilitating new approaches to spatial and architectural forms. ‘Boundary’ can be ‘hard’, such as the geopolitical boundaries regulated by states. These boundaries often result in conflicts over the ownership of territory and geological resources or even over history, authenticity, and the nature of the past. Yet boundaries can also be ‘soft’ such as those demarcated by religious, cultural, and linguistic differences among different Muslim factions, or associations of a Muslim population within a predominantly non-Muslim society or vice-versa. Through the transition from empires to nation-states, ‘boundary’ has acquired new ideological meanings in response to questions about Muslim selves and citizenship.

The concept of boundary is further intricately entangled with the concept of flows. In the era of global flows of information, commodities, resources and people, boundaries work together with flows as two corresponding factors in constructing the spatial experience of Islamic societies. Several issues nevertheless complicate the relationship between boundaries and flows. For instance, Muslim diasporic movements, through voluntary migration seeking a better life elsewhere or forced displacement due to war, genocide or climate change, challenge our normative view of Islamic architecture outside of the normative Islamic world. The Muslim diaspora creates its own niches that confront and conform to complex global flows of socio-cultural dynamics, ranging from hate crimes and political resentments to a global awareness of diversity and minority.

Against this context of global flows, several phenomena prompt us to rethink the relationship between architecture, urban planning and boundaries. For instance, the transnational flows of heterogeneous Islamic groups as radical as the Taliban and as moderate as Tablighi Jamaat problematize notions of national ‘hard’ boundaries. Or, while the contemporary media presents the international networks of madrasas and mosques as nothing more than a breeding ground of Islamic radicalism, other roles that these spaces play in serving as transnational nodes in an expanding spatial network remain largely unexplored. This special issue seeks to explore how architecture and urban discourses can shed light on these new forms of identity politics and resulting internal dissonances within Muslim and global communities. How, for example, could an architectural imagination bring a critical perspective to the idea of jihad, notions of the umma, and potentials for a pan-Muslim society?

These questions also disrupt typical approaches to architectural history. The architectural forms of twentieth- and twenty-first-century nation building is often narrated through the pivotal forces of the Cold War, Bretton Woods financial policy, the emergence of development studies, and contested theories of modernization, Islamization, and postcoloniality. Within such a context, the global flows of ideas, money and technical expertise took place through intergovernmental agencies such as the United Nations, the European Union, Commonwealth and Muslim League, and the economic and political interest of funding agencies such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, European Development Fund and USAID. These contested groups of international stakeholders aimed at creating local technical experts and cultivated architects as development agents. The constituent forces of boundaries and flows eventually materialized to disrupt these forces, as architectural and urban projects ranging from small-scale community development schemes such as low-cost housing and rural development programs to large-scale modernization efforts such as the establishment of nuclear research centers.

Gradually, the flows of architectural philosophies regarding the meaning of Islamic architecture in contemporary time created their own sphere of intellectual debate within Islamic societies. Views were exchanged through symposia, professional meetings, architectural magazines and manifestoes. In addition to Euro-American pedagogical and professional establishments, a parallel educational infrastructure – the madrasa – also enabled formidable transnational flows of knowledge and people across the Islamic world.


The focus of the contributions to this special issue of IJIA should follow these variant forms of disruptive flows and address the question of how architecture – defined broadly – creates nuanced definitions of Muslim selves. With an objective to better understand how, in the age of global capital, architecture mediates the forces that constitute flows and boundaries, the contributions should address architecture not only as the byproduct of socio-political forces, but also as the active promulgator of those forces. 

Themes that might be addressed include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. How might architecture be used to explore the ways in which the diverse formation of nationalism within Islamicate worlds cater to trans-local exchanges of ideas, ideologies, and human migration across geopolitical borders? Historically, how were different experiences of partition (i.e. in the Indian subcontinent or the Middle East) and nation-building efforts informed by architectural developments and urban planning?

2. Who are the agents of the exchanges of architectural knowledge and expertise? How are the international flows of ideas, money and expertise defined in competition and collaboration between local and international professionals? In the global context, how do practicing architects tackle the challenges of boundaries? Questions to address include refugee housing or strategies for negotiating cultural identities of immigrant populations in a ‘foreign’ land.

3. How could the architecture of the Muslim diaspora be used as a means to better understand Islamicate societies in the contemporary world? How is architecture located at the junction of the experience of war, genocide, migration, and partition? What might the architectural expression of a migrant Muslim community tell us about the politics of construction and destruction of the Muslim self? 

4. How do flows of discourse and expert knowledge navigate between institutions (universities, NGOs, intergovernmental agencies etc.) within and beyond Islamic countries? What is the role of architecture in that process? How do these flows work at the intersection of the training of ‘local’ experts in international institutions and thus contribute to the discourse on ‘modern Islamic architecture’?

Guidelines for Authors:

Essays that focus on historical and theoretical analysis (DiT papers) should be a minimum of 6,000 words but no more than 8,000 words, and essays on design and practice (DiP papers) can range from 3,000 to 4,000 words. Contributions from practitioners are welcome and should bear in mind the critical framework of the journal. Contributions from practitioners and scholars of art history, anthropology, diaspora studies, sociology, and geography and building construction are particularly welcome.

Please send a 400-word abstract with essay title to the guest editor, Farhan Karim, University of Kansas (, by October 30, 2017. Those whose proposals are accepted will be contacted soon thereafter and requested to submit full papers to the journal by May 15, 2018. All papers will undergo full peer review.

For author instructions regarding paper guidelines, please consult: or,id=204/view,page=2/

Call for papers deadline: 30 October 2017

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5:00 AM05:00



The theme for 2018, Area studies and beyond, builds upon the traditional interdisciplinary fields of research within Asian Studies and seeks to move beyond them, to celebrate the full breadth and depth of interest in Asia across all fields of research.

Modernisation, urbanisation and globalisation have brought about unprecedented changes across Asia. What new architectural forms and urban spaces are created through the entanglements of new modes of production and historical legacies? How have transnational flows, natural catastrophes and geopolitical shifts shaped the development of built environments? How are notions of class, ethnicity, race, gender and nation negotiated in these charged contexts? And what sorts of social relations, theories and developmental patterns are at stake as a result? The SAUH-Asia stream at the ASAA conference will explore these questions by bringing together papers ranging from empirical studies of built environments to broad concerns about the theorisation of “Asia” as a geographical, cultural, political and economic entity in a global era. The abstract will be reviewed by two readers.


You are invited to submit an abstract of up to 150 words and a cv (or brief bio) to Professor Duanfang LU at

in the subject line of the email write: “ASAA_your last name”


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9:30 AM09:30

Call for Papers - Activism at Home

Activism at Home: Architects’ own houses as sites of resistance

15-16 January 2018
Convenors: Isabelle Doucet & Janina Gosseye

'Architects are, on the whole, idealistic people. Many of them believe that better buildings will make better lives for the people who live and work in them. Architects’ own homes embody their real passions, on a scale which is comprehensible.'

With this statement Miranda H. Newton challenges, in her 1992 book Architects’ London Houses. The Home of Thirty Architects since the 1930s (p. viii), the mockery by certain critics, including architect Léon Krier, of architects’ distinction between their experimental creations for others, and their own homes. A long tradition indeed exists of architects designing experimental houses for themselves. Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin homes and Frank Gehry's exploded bungalow in Santa Monica, are well known examples from the US and find British counterparts in Walter Segal’s double house, Neave Brown’s terrace of five houses at Winscombe Street, and Michael and Patty Hopkins ‘high-tech’ house. All these examples demonstrate how architects challenged (or resisted) accepted forms and practices within the discipline of architecture through the design of their own home.

With this symposium, we are looking for examples of architects’ own houses that not only aimed to challenge the status quo within the discipline, but also articulated broader social, political and cultural critiques. We seek to explore how the unique set of conditions typical of an architect’s own home, allows for different, perhaps more radical, forms of experiment in living than is possible through commissioned work. The architect’s own home is hereto instructive because it intensifies several tensions that are present in the practice of architecture in general. In their own house, where the architect operates as designer and user, aesthetic objectives, ideology, and the promotion of the architect’s business become inseparably entwined with the personal. Acknowledging that many architects see themselves as social engineers, the architect’s own home invites to unpack the complex entanglement between resistance, experimentation, aesthetics, marketing, and living.

This symposium follows on from the “Private Virtues or Vices? Architects in Search of an Aesthetics of Resistance” symposium, which took place at the University of Queensland (Australia), in July 2017. In the forthcoming symposium in Manchester we seek to focus on two tensions in particular: The tensions that the desire for (radical) experimentation versus the quest for commissions generates, and, secondly, the tension that is produced by the architect assuming a double role, as both the designer and client / inhabitant of the house. We welcome papers that explore such tensions through case studies, preferably but not solely architects’ houses that have not yet been ‘canonised’ and clearly demonstrate how a socio-political statement is expressed through the design of the (personal) home.


This symposium will take place at the University of Manchester on 15-16 January 2018.
Please submit a 300-word abstract and a one-page CV to the conference organisers:
Isabelle Doucet:
Janina Gosseye:

Keynote Speakers: to be announced.
This symposium is possible thanks to generous financial support from the University of Manchester’s Social Responsibility in the Curriculum Fund, the Manchester Architecture Research Group at the Manchester Urban Institute (, and the Centre for Architecture Theory Criticism History at the University of Queensland (
The possibility exists for speakers to receive financial support for travelling to Manchester. The allocation of funds will be discussed on a case-by-case basis upon acceptance of the abstract. The conference organisers intend to develop a proposal for a themed journal issue on the basis of the papers that are submitted for this symposium in Manchester and the papers that were presented at the symposium at the University of Queensland.


Notification of acceptance: 27 October 2017
Symposium: 15-16 January 2018


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Call for Papers - European Architectural History Network Fifth Annual Conference

  • National Library of Estonia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Comprador Networks and Regional Modernism Panel

The comprador classes of the 19th- and early 20th-centuries were critical agents of global capitalism. As “middle men” in the colonial enterprise, they enabled the development of imperial trade networks, negotiated the supply of labor that extracted profit from the local landscape, established new patterns of consumption and taste, and facilitated cultural as well as economic exchanges that were critical to the growth of Asian cities. In diverse treaty ports and colonial entrepôts like Batavia, Tianjin, Calcutta, and Hong Kong, compradors drew on a diverse vocabulary of intra- and trans-regional architectural forms, labor, materials, and construction techniques to build homes, offices, godowns, factories, and infrastructural networks that were legible to both European corporations and local populations. The diplomat and entrepreneur Cheong Fatt-tze, for example, deployed ironworks from the Scottish Macfarlanes factory as well as Teochew ceramic ornamentation from the southern China coast to articulate a mansion in British-colonial Penang that could be identified as the home of both a mandarin official and a modern capitalist.

His neighbor, Khaw Sim Bee (Phraya Ratsadanupradit Mahitsaraphakdi to the Siamese crown), meanwhile, built nearby Asdang House in a neo-Palladian idiom that marked him as a member of a cosmopolitan class that circulated freely across national and imperial borders. The travelling, sojourning perspective of the comprador allows historians to critically examine the fractured, multi-scaled geographies at play across global networks as well as what Raymond Williams has described as “the metropolitan interpretation of its own processes as universals.” This panel invites papers that examine the role of comprador patrons and architects as active participants in the production of the global modern built environment in the 19th and 20th centuries. The panel aims to create an understanding of treaty ports, colonial cities, and free trade zones not only as sites of local and foreign interactions but as incubators of new ideas about architecture in a global capitalist economy.

Call for Papers Deadline: September 30, 2017

Papers should identify the ways that compradors actively shaped a conversation between formative iterations of European and Asian architecture as translators of regional, national, and universal idioms and approaches to architectural and urban space. Some questions that papers might explore are: Did comprador architecture preserve local “traditions” or accelerate the development of modern approaches to building? How did comprador tastes shape the circulation of regional idioms? How did comprador agents cultivate or weaken building expertise? How did comprador patronage support the growth of the architectural profession? How did comprador building projects intervene on the growth of new cities? How were compradors able to translate across diverse social circumstances, building communities, and cultural tastes? How did comprador tastes appeal to both regionalist and nationalist tendencies?


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9:00 AM09:00

Call for Abstracts - CfP // EAHN Tallinn 2018 // A Woman’s Situation: Transnational Mobility and Gendered Practice

  • National Library of Estonia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

CfP // EAHN Tallinn 2018 // A Woman’s Situation: Transnational Mobility and Gendered Practice

As a factor of globalization that accompanied the modern colonial and postcolonial period, transnationalism and an emerging landscape of cosmopolitan sites offered women new proving ground outside established social, cultural, and commercial spheres of architecture and planning. In this session, we investigate the significance of transnational mobility, over an open time period, for women as architects, planners, patrons, builders, curators, historians, or other users of the built environment.

Whether their movement was based on privileged access to international networks or resulted from forced migration, we find repeated instances of an engagement in debates on regionalism, the vernacular, the everyday, the folkloric, and the anonymous, as expressions in architecture and planning. Seeing these debates as deeply contingent on the subject’s position, this session seeks precision on a problem that has inhabited the fringes of architectural and planning history: the gendered connections between an extreme mobility (understood as conditioned by specific historical contexts) and a theory of the situated.

Thinking with Donna Haraway—in particular, her concern with ‘situated knowledge’ as that which is informed by the subject’s position and does not attempt the abstraction of universalism—this session attempts to map mobility and gender onto one another within a set of practices and visions that focused on structuring, building, historicizing, or thinking the undesigned, the unplanned. We see this in part as stemming from the vision of a stranger, a function of vision from a periphery or a territorially interior margin. As Hilde Heynen has discussed in relation to Sybil Moholy-Nagy, the turn to architecture without architects also shifted claims upon expertise, opening the position of expert to a wider pool. This session takes the epistemological question of what knowledge is produced by transnational mobility, and attempts to move beyond the frequent challenges of the archive and historiography, to suggest certain sites of resistance to a ‘canon’ from which many women have been excluded, as well as to the various borders which define architectural expression, authors, and publics.

Bringing the work of women architects and non-architects alike into conversation, we invite papers that consider understudied professional figures such as Sybil Moholy-Nagy, Jaqueline Tyrwhitt, Charlotte Perriand, Erica Mann, Jane Drew, Lina Bo Bardi, Minnette de Silva, Hannah Schreckenbach, Dorothy Hughes, Gillian Hopwood, Ursula Olsner, and Denise Scott Brown, or a variety of named and unnamed groups of women—clients, laborers, refugees—whose transnational travels affected the built environment or its history.

Co-chairs: Anooradha Iyer Siddiqi and Rachel Lee



Please submit max. 300 word abstracts to or

For additional information, please visit



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9:00 AM09:00

Call for Submissions - Fabrications: JSAHANZ vol.28 no.2

Fabrications: JSAHANZ vol.28 no.2 - Architecture/Heritage/Politics

The spaces of normative cultures dominate the heritage arena suppressing or marginalising other competing forms of heritage. Architecture is uniquely positioned to resist these hegemonic processes through substantive material presence, the resilience of which is best realised in conservation praxis. But too often heritage conservation assumes an apolitical stance by neglecting to acknowledge its own unsettling agendas. This issue of Fabrications seeks to understand the nature of the relationship between major and minor cultural practices where architecture, heritage and politics intersect. Its particular focus is the Asia-Pacific region, where tensions caused by colonisation, decolonisation, territorial conflicts, the cold war, migration, nation building and economic liberalisation have produced diverse or dissident built expressions.

What are the implications of the politics of patrimony for architectural history? We are interested in how both normative and marginal cultures reinvent the past; how relationships of geopolitical dominance or dependence are expressed; and how majority and minority cultures operate within sovereign frameworks. Do the politics of these processes have legible architectural outcomes? Do their material expressions cross geopolitical borders? Do they suggest new methodologies for researching and writing architectural history? Could they raise questions about the place of architectural history amid the interdisciplinary practices of conservation?  What are their implications for the architecture of heritage framed internationally, nationally and regionally that has to negotiate diversity, dissent and accumulation? The issue anticipates papers that rethink the multifarious relationships between the discourses of heritage and architecture in ways that are self-reflexive, inclusive, dynamic and mindful of the co-habitation of different cultural positions.


Guidelines for Authors

Papers should be submitted online at  by 25 September 2017.

The Editors consider essays of 6000 to 9000 words (including footnotes). Papers should be submitted as Word documents. Authors should use the footnote function of Word, but no automatic footing programs such as Endnote. Papers should be submitted with an abstract (200 words) at the beginning of the paper and a brief author biography (80 words), images and image captions. Abstracts are published at the beginning of papers. All papers published in Fabrications are blind peer-refereed by two readers.

Instructions for authors can be found on the Taylor & Francis website here:

Proposals for reports or for reviews of books, exhibitions and other events of interest to the membership of SAHANZ can be made to the Editors, Stuart King [] and Anoma Pieris [].

Image Specifications

For the refereeing process, please submit low-resolution images of illustrations as separate files (or embedded in a separate pdf file with captions).  Once a paper is accepted for publication, high-resolution images should be submitted as 300 dpi tiff files, at a minimum of 100mm wide with a separate list of captions indicating permissions.

Authors are responsible for securing all permissions and paying all fees to reproduce images in Fabrications. Authors must meet UK copyright regulations. For information, see: More

Co-Editors: Stuart King and Anoma Pieris


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