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Call for Papers - 2020 SAH Annual International Conference

  • Seattle United states of America (map)


Session Co-Chairs: Vikramaditya Prakash, University of Washington, and Maristella Casciato, Getty Research Institute 

Ever since the postcolonial critiques of the 1980s and the 1990s, received narratives of architectural modernism—as a Eurocentric construct that was regionalized or not and fragmented in its various non-metropolitan locales—have been revised and re-theorized under what can be referred to as global modernism. Global modernism, in this sense, is not just the question of including ‘non-Western’ examples in established canons of modernism, but of rethinking the very mechanics of the origins, dissemination, and iteration of modernist ideas and forms in both metropolitan and non-metropolitan locations. This work requires a revisiting of both the canons of modernism as also a decolonization of that canon in postcolonial and post-humanist ways. This panel invites papers that are both theoretical and case-study-based which contribute to a postcolonial construction of global modernism that are not simply national, regional, or local, and which instead foster a broader global historiography of modernism.  


  1. Abstracts must be under 300 words.

  2. The title cannot exceed 65 characters, including spaces and punctuation.

  3. Abstracts and titles must follow the Chicago Manual of Style.

  4. Only one abstract per conference by author or co-author may be submitted. 

  5. A maximum of two (2) authors per abstract will be accepted.