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Call for Papers - InterAsian Connections VI: Hanoi

  • Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (map)

InterAsian Connections VI: Hanoi by the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences

Organizers: Social Science Research Council InterAsia Program, Duke University Global Asia Initiative, Göttingen University Global and Transregional Studies Platform, the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Hong Kong, Asia Research Institute at the National University of Singapore, Seoul National University Asia Center, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, and Yale University.

InterAsian Connections VI: Hanoi is pleased to announce an open call for papers from researchers in any world region who wish to participate in one of the eight thematic workshops at InterAsian Connections VI: Hanoi, the sixth in this international conference series.

The conference, to be held in Hanoi, Vietnam, and hosted by the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, will include concurrent workshops coordinated by individual directors and showcasing innovative research from across the social sciences and related disciplines. Workshops will focus on themes of particular relevance to Asia, reconceptualized as a dynamic and interconnected historical, geographical, and cultural formation stretching from West Asia through Eurasia and South Asia and Southeast Asia to East Asia.

The conference structure and schedule have been designed to enable intensive working group interactions on a specific research theme, as well as broader interactions on topics of mutual interest and concern. Accordingly, there will be public sessions open to the full group of conference participants and additional scholars as well as closed workshop sessions.


Paper submissions are invited from junior and senior scholars, whether graduate students, faculty, or researchers in NGOs or other research organizations, for the following eight workshops:

  • Beyond the New Media: Deep Time of Networks and Infrastructural Memory in Asia
    Workshop Directors: Xiao Liu (McGill University) and Shuang Shen (Pennsylvania State University)
  • China’s OBOR Initiative and Its Impacts for Asian Countries
    Workshop Directors: Anh Nguyen Dang (Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences) and Yu Zhu (Shanghai University)
  • Divine/Transcendent Rulers of Imagined Communities: The Rise and Fall of Royal Nationhood in Asia
    Workshop Directors: Wasana Wongsurawat (Chulalongkorn University) and Michael K. Connors (University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus)
  • Eurasia’s Islamic Socialist Ecumene
    Workshop Directors: Eren Tasar (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) and Mustafa Tuna (Duke University)
  • Sacred Forests and Political Ecology: Cosmological Properties and Environmentality
    Workshop Directors: Bixia Chen (University of the Ryukyus) and Christopher Coggins(Bard College at Simon’s Rock) 
  • Sport Mega-Events as Hubs for InterAsian Interactions
    Workshop Directors: Susan Brownell(University of Missouri-St. Louis) and Gwang Ok (Chungbuk National University)
  • States of Fortification: Connecting Asia through Technologies of Food and Health
    Workshop Directors: Melissa L. Caldwell(University of California, Santa Cruz) and Izumi Nakayama (The University of Hong Kong)
  • The Netware of the New Asian Economy under the Industrial Revolution 4.0
    Workshop Directors: Salvatore Babones(University of Sydney) and Vinh Duc Nguyen (Institute of Sociology, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences)

Detailed abstracts for the individual workshops, information on the application process, the required application materials, answers to frequently asked questions, and details on funding can be found on our website ; or contact

Please note that an individual cannot apply to more than one workshop.


Application materials are due by February 28, 2018. Selection decisions will be announced in April 2018. Accepted participants are required to submit a draft research paper in July 2018, and a final paper in November 2018.