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Call for Submissions - Fabrications: JSAHANZ vol.28 no.2

Fabrications: JSAHANZ vol.28 no.2 - Architecture/Heritage/Politics

The spaces of normative cultures dominate the heritage arena suppressing or marginalising other competing forms of heritage. Architecture is uniquely positioned to resist these hegemonic processes through substantive material presence, the resilience of which is best realised in conservation praxis. But too often heritage conservation assumes an apolitical stance by neglecting to acknowledge its own unsettling agendas. This issue of Fabrications seeks to understand the nature of the relationship between major and minor cultural practices where architecture, heritage and politics intersect. Its particular focus is the Asia-Pacific region, where tensions caused by colonisation, decolonisation, territorial conflicts, the cold war, migration, nation building and economic liberalisation have produced diverse or dissident built expressions.

What are the implications of the politics of patrimony for architectural history? We are interested in how both normative and marginal cultures reinvent the past; how relationships of geopolitical dominance or dependence are expressed; and how majority and minority cultures operate within sovereign frameworks. Do the politics of these processes have legible architectural outcomes? Do their material expressions cross geopolitical borders? Do they suggest new methodologies for researching and writing architectural history? Could they raise questions about the place of architectural history amid the interdisciplinary practices of conservation?  What are their implications for the architecture of heritage framed internationally, nationally and regionally that has to negotiate diversity, dissent and accumulation? The issue anticipates papers that rethink the multifarious relationships between the discourses of heritage and architecture in ways that are self-reflexive, inclusive, dynamic and mindful of the co-habitation of different cultural positions.


Guidelines for Authors

Papers should be submitted online at  by 25 September 2017.

The Editors consider essays of 6000 to 9000 words (including footnotes). Papers should be submitted as Word documents. Authors should use the footnote function of Word, but no automatic footing programs such as Endnote. Papers should be submitted with an abstract (200 words) at the beginning of the paper and a brief author biography (80 words), images and image captions. Abstracts are published at the beginning of papers. All papers published in Fabrications are blind peer-refereed by two readers.

Instructions for authors can be found on the Taylor & Francis website here:

Proposals for reports or for reviews of books, exhibitions and other events of interest to the membership of SAHANZ can be made to the Editors, Stuart King [] and Anoma Pieris [].

Image Specifications

For the refereeing process, please submit low-resolution images of illustrations as separate files (or embedded in a separate pdf file with captions).  Once a paper is accepted for publication, high-resolution images should be submitted as 300 dpi tiff files, at a minimum of 100mm wide with a separate list of captions indicating permissions.

Authors are responsible for securing all permissions and paying all fees to reproduce images in Fabrications. Authors must meet UK copyright regulations. For information, see: More

Co-Editors: Stuart King and Anoma Pieris