Fabrications: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand is pleased to announce the publication of vol. 28 no. 2 on “Tropical Zone: People, Practices and Pedagogies”
Stuart King and Anoma Piers
Tropical Zone: People, Practices and Pedagogies
Tariq Jazeel
Tropical Modernism/Environmental Nationalism: the Politics of Built Space in Postcolonial Sri Lanka
Jeanette Budgett
The Gift That Goes On Giving? Frank Ponder’s Hurricane Housing for Niue
Natalia Solano-Meza
Tropical Dissidence: The Creation of the School of Architecture of the University of Costa Rica at the Department of Development and Tropical Studies.
Elizabeth Musgrave
‘Hot’ and ‘Cool’: Perceptions of Subtropical Modernism in Post-war Queensland
Michael Haggerty
A Tropicalist Turn: Architectural Perspectives on Regionalism from Housing in Dhaka
David Beynon
‘Tropical’ Architecture in the Highlands of Southeast Asia: Tropicality, Modernity and Identity
Pamela Deasy & Andrew Leach
Lovely Home
Report on “Modernity’s Other”: 2nd Southeast Asia Architecture Research Collaborative Symposium. Report by Kah-Wee Lee.
Jiat-Hwee Chang, A Genealogy of Tropical Architecture: Colonial Networks, Nature and Technoscience. Routledge: Abingdon & New York, 2016. Review by Tariq Jazeel.
John Macarthur, Deborah van der Plaat, Janina Gosseye and Andrew Wilson, eds., Hot Modernism: Queensland Architecture 1945-1975. London, Artifice Books, 2015. Review by William M. Taylor.
William M. Taylor, Michael P. Levine, Oenone Rooksby, Joely-Kym Sobott, eds., The “Katrina Effect” On the Nature of Catastrophe. Bloomsbury Academic: New York, 2015. Review by Farhan Karim.