Journal Articles

Dwelling in ruins: affective materialities of the Sri Lankan civil war

The Journal of Architecture, Volume 22, 2017 - Issue 6: Dwelling in Asia

Anoma Pieris.

Architectures of the Pacific Carceral Archipelago: Second World War Internment and Prisoner of War Camps

Fabrications, The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, 
Volume 26, 2016 - Issue 3: In and Across the Pacific

Anoma Pieris

Changi: A Penal Genealogy across the Pacific War

Fabrications, The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, 
Volume 26, 2016 - Issue 1

Anoma Pieris

Encampments: Spatial Taxonomies of Sri Lanka's Civil War

Architectural Theory Review, Volume 19, 2014 - Issue 3: Spatial Violence. Guest Editors: Andrew Herscher and Anooradha Iyer Siddiqi

Anoma Pieris

Arterial blockages: the catastrophic itineraries of the Sri Lankan civil war

National Identities, Volume 17, 2015 - Issue 2: Investigating catastrophe: commemoration, accountability and records of disaster

Anoma Pieris

Southern invasions: post-war tourism in Sri Lanka

Postcolonial Studies, Volume 17, 2014 - Issue 3: Dark Tourism

Anoma Pieris